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GhangorCloud ISE Endpoint DLP Agent
Industry’s Most Advanced Information Security & Compliance Solution

GhangorCloud ISE Endpoint DLP Agent

GhangorCloud ISE Endpoint DLP Agent

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Designed for medium and large enterprises, GhangorCloud’s Endpoint Data Leak Protection Agent offers powerful features in order to control, monitor and enforce Endpoint Security. It is a comprehensive data leak prevention solution designed to control and monitor usage of all portable storage and to keep track of what data users are taking from and to their work computers on any kind of portable storage device.

It enables fast access to controlling computer, devices and user behavior in a large network system. It also offers several ways to track any kind of activity registered on the system. A detailed report including timestamps, file names, action(s) taken, logged user, etc. allows for pin-pointing malicious behavior and malevolent users.

It enables data security administrators to monitor and report what data is introduced into the corporate network from a portable storage device such as prohibited materials (MP3s, movies or games) or harmful data like a virus that could jeopardize the networks integrity.

GhangorCloud’s Endpoint DLP Agent creates an audit trail that shows the use and activity of portable storage devices in corporate networks. Thus, administrators have the ability to trace and track file transfers through endpoints and then use the audit trail as legal evidence for data theft.

GhangorCloud’s Endpoint DLP Agent allows authorized use of “Trusted Devices” such as companies’ own USB Flash Drives to handle and transfer confidential data. To ensure the protection of data carried by users on “Trusted Devices”, it allows users to copy work data to a password protected and encrypted area of a “Trusted Device” only, so that confidential corporate data is protected in case of hardware loss. It supports a wide range of device types which represent key sources of security breaches.

These devices can be authorized which makes it possible for the users to view, create or modify their content and for administrators to view the data transferred to and from the authorized devices, such as removable Storage Devices, Normal USB Flash Drives, U3 and Auto run Drives, Disk on Key, Wireless USB, COM/Serial ports and LPT/Parallel ports.

By controlling the Serial and Parallel ports of a PC using GhangorCloud’s Endpoint DLP Agent, the network administrator can deny or allow users access to storage devices connected to these ports.

Devices Monitored/Controlled

  • USB Flash Drives (Normal USB Drives, U3)
  • Memory Cards (SD, MMC, CF)
  • CD/DVD-Player (internal, external)
  • External HDDs
  • Floppy Drives
  • Card Readers (internal, external)
  • ZIP Drives
  • Digital Cameras
  • Smartphones/Blackberry/PDAs
  • iPhones/iPads/ipods
  • FireWire Devices
  • MP3 Player/Media Player Devices
  • Biometric Drives
  • Bluetooth Devices
  • Printers

USB Features Summary

  • Control use of all USB storage devices
  • Track what data is saved to USB storage devices
  • Track what data is copied from USB storage devices
  • Authorize the use of USB storage devices Trusted Devices™
  • Secure data on USB storage devices
  • Manage a powerful reporting tool

Operating Systems Support:

GhanbgorCloud’s Endpoint DLP Agent supports a wide variety of Operating Systems and Platforms including Windows, Mac OS X, Unix/Linux, iOS, and Android.

Operating Systems Support


Management & Control
Centralized Web Based Management & Provisioning Browser based Centralized Management & Provisioning System for Remote Monitoring and Control of all Authorized End-point Hosts.
Network End-point Monitoring Control, Track and Authorize the use of Devices. Allowing network to stay secure while monitoring activity via computer End-point inferences.
Trusted devices Certify that all endpoint devices are not only authorized and controlled via DLP Agent software but also certified for protection of sensitive and confidential data.
Real-Time Reporting & Forensic Analysis
Real-time Incident Monitoring Dashboard Instantaneous Reporting of any violation in Centralized & Consolidated Dashboard. Drill down into DLP incidents
Forensic Analysis Detailed Forensic Analysis Tools, Analysis of preventative measures taken
Incident Reporting & Logging Extensive set of Predefined Reports, Detailed Reports generated based on a variety of Filters and Criteria
Reporting Formats Open Formats for export into other reporting systems and SQL based Reporting Tools – Export to PDF, CSV formats
User-Friendly Security Administration Central Management System interface for the creation, monitoring and management of system configurations, multiple security administrator’s accounts, end-user privilege settings
Auto-Identification of Data & Content
Unstructured Data Identify and protect Unstructured Data, such as text, memos, spreadsheets, emails, power-points, documents, images, Intellectual Property, etc. in real-time
Structured Data (Regular Expressions) High performance Regular Expressions (Reg-Exes) matching algorithms for data such as Credit Cards, Social Security Numbers, Account No., Bar Codes, etc. – Expressions can be combined with wildcards and defined constructs
Pattern Matching & Analysis Full support of Logical and Pattern-based occurrence analysis methodologies – Goes beyond traditional Statistical or Bayesian methods
Semi-Structured Data Full keyword & phrase matching capabilities identify known data types
Enforced Encryption In the event a device is stolen or lost all data pertaining to the device is encrypted and not accessible for other parties
Easily Extensible Customize and extend as new patterns and threats arise without re-deployment
Data Types/Format Monitored Over 48+ content format decoders including Txt, MS-Word, PDF, PPT, XLS, XML, Images, Design Documents, etc.
File Monitoring & Tracing
File Tracing / File Shadowing Tracks all data copied to and from previously authorized devices. Shadowing features saves a copy of all files including the deleted files that were used in connection with controlled devices.
File Whitelisting Allows only previously authorized devices to be copied to portable devices.
Centralized Policy Provisioning
Automated Security Policy Enforcement Easy enforcement and maintenance of latest security policies across the network.
Group-wise Policy Settings Simplified device management policies with customizable templates for User Groups.
Automated Real-time Policy Update Policy updates can be dispatched and enforced instantaneously in Real-time without interruption
Protocols & Applications
Applications Types Monitored Databases, Email, Web-Mail, MS-Exchange, Office-365, BOX, DROPBOX, Accellion, Google-Drive, Sharepoint, OneDrive, etc.
Cloud Access Control Centralized Access Control of Web Applications and Web Services. Whitelisting or Blacklisting of Web Applications and Web Services
Enterprise Repositories Active Directory and LDAP.
Comprehensive Set of Protocols TCP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, SMTP, POP3, *Mail 6073 MS-Web Exchange +773, +7736, RPC-over-HTTP, Instant Messaging IM, XMPP, MS-Exchange
Deployment Protection Modes
Enterprise Network Deployment On Premise Enterprise Network Deployment
Network Offline Deployment Allows limited time to access to a specific device when a client computer is disconnected from a network. Frequently disconnected computers such as laptops are protected based on last saved policy. All notifications are transferred at the next network connection.
Client Uninstall Protection Password based solution prevents users from uninstalling the End-point DLP Agent, thus insuring continuous data protection.
Client Stop Protection Prevents the user from stopping the End-point DLP Agent at any time.
Device Activity Logging Keeps a record of all clients, devices and actions producing history reports for future audits.

Pricing Notes:

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GhangorCloud ISE Endpoint DLP Agent
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