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GhangorCloud Technology

Paradigm Shift

Based upon key ground-breaking technological innovations and a set of patented (and patent pending) algorithms GhangorCloud’s Information Security and Governance solution is a “Paradigm Shift” altogether.

GhangorCloud’s security technology is built from ground up with strong ability to resist ‘Malicious Data Exfiltration’ and ‘Purposeful Evasion’ of security measures – a unique capability that sets GhangorCloud’s DLEP solution apart from any other DLP solution in the industry.

On-Premise Or Cloud-Based Infrastructure

Redefining the way enterprises secure information in their on-premise infrastructure as well as in the Cloud, GhangorCloud offers the most advanced Information Security Governance and Compliance solution.

Based on its patented (and patent pending) core technologies GhangorCloud’s unique solution is a confluence of four key technological breakthroughs.

Securing The Enterprise And The Cloud

Securing The Enterprise And The Cloud

GhangorCloud’s Information Security and Governance solution enables information and data security whether it is located across the enterprise or across the Cloud.

Enterprise Deployment

Enterprise Deployment

Hybrid Cloud Deployment

Hybrid Cloud Deployment

GhangorCloud’s Sophisticated Artificial Intelligence – AI Algorithms

(Patented and Patent Pending)

Unlike other ‘Policy’ based solutions, GhangorCloud’s patented (and patent-pending) Artificial Intelligence Algorithms can

Four Key Technological Breakthroughs

  1. Industry’s most advanced Automated Data Identification & Classification Engine
  2. Identity & Role driven Access Control and Authorization Engine/Algorithms
  3. Segmentation of Duty (SoD) driven Policy Automation Engine/Algorithms
  4. Governance & Compliance driven Enforcement Engine/Algorithms
Four Key Technological Breakthroughs


Industry’s Most Advanced Automated POLICY Synthesis Engine

  1. Automates the POLICY Definition Process – Cuts down Policy Definition Time, Effort, Cost & Complexity
  2. Automates the Generation of Very High Granularity Policies – Eliminates POLICY Errors, Inconsistencies and Inaccuracies
  3. Unique Identity & Role based Policy Definition – Enables Enforcement of SoD & Responsibility based Security Paradigm